Holzer ASS® head office - Breitenschützing

Holzer ASS® GmbH - Austria Welding Service
Breitenschützing 43
4691 Breitenschützing
Tel. +43 (0) 7673 / 4467
Fax +43 (0) 7673 / 4467 - 4
e-mail: office@holzer-ass.at
UID-No.: ATU75819624

Opening hours

Monday to Thursday
7:30 - 12:00 and 12:30 - 16:00
7:30 - 12:30

Vienna / Lower Austria branch

Branch office in Brunn/Gebirge
Industriestrasse B14-16
2345 Brunn/Gebirge
Tel. +43 (0) 7673 / 4467
e-mail: office@holzer-ass.at

Opening hours

By telephone appointment

Contact us
Mr Walter Purghardt
Mobile: +43 664 1000 364

Mr Ralf Holzer
Mobile: +43 664 4354 899