The effects of oxygen in welding: How forming affects welding quality

Welding is about more than just the welding process itself. The welding environment, in particular the composition of the surrounding gases, has a decisive influence on the quality of the weld seam. The oxygen content plays a particularly important role here. This article looks at the effects of oxygen on the weld seam, the protective measures that can be taken through gas-shielded welding and forming [...].
Moulding: For which materials is it important?

Forming and its significance for different materials In welding, forming - i.e. protecting the weld seam from oxygen using special gases - is a crucial process for preventing corrosion and ensuring the quality of the weld seam. However, not all materials require the same forming conditions. In this article, we will look specifically at [...]
Gases for moulding/root protection gases: selection and application

Forming gases, also known as root protection gases, are crucial to the welding process as they protect the weld root from oxygen. These gases create an inert atmosphere to prevent oxidation of the weld and ensure the formation of a clean, high quality weld. The selection of the right forming gas has a significant influence on the welding quality, as different materials have different requirements. Types [...]
Forming weld seams: Important standards at a glance

The forming welding process is influenced by various standards in Germany and Austria. These standards cover areas such as the qualification of welders, the quality of shielding gases and temperature control. In general, there are a number of standards that define the requirements for welding: DIN EN ISO 9606-1: Tests welder qualifications to ensure that the necessary skills [...]