Holzer ASS® offers customised systems for almost all diameters and a wide range of applications. With our specially developed system "ASS®-Prime", we are setting new standards in technology. For other areas of application, we work together with proven systems from Jankus. We also stock moulding plugs that are ideal for a wide range of applications.
Holzer ASS® Ltd.
Breitenschützing 43
A-4691 Breitenschützing
Tel.: +43 (0) 7673 / 4467
E-Mail: office@holzer-ass.at
Branch office in Brunn/Gebirge
Industriestrasse B14-16
A-2345 Brunn/Gebirge
Tel.: +43 (0) 7673 / 4467
E-Mail: office@holzer-ass.at